Thursday, October 23, 2008

Professional Crime Fighting

Sweeping the floor of his store, Franklin glanced up to see a massive man with a mask like Zorro’s stuffing his pockets with merchandise. “Hey you didn’t pay for that!” Franklin shouted angrily. Calmly, the man kept shoving trinkets in his pockets and down the front of his shirt. Franklin, who was very confused about why the thief didn’t run, thought up a plan. Since the thief ignored him, Franklin dropped his broom as he stomped furiously across the aisle.

Past the toys Franklin sprinted. He hurtled quite madly. He panted loudly. Casually, the thief took out a gun and pointed it at Franklin. Since he didn’t know what to do, Franklin stopped abruptly. The thief, who grinned slyly, chuckled to himself. Although usually he was a sensible man, Franklin charged at the monstrous intruder. Pulling the trigger, the thief fired. Franklin couldn’t understand what was happening. He wasn’t in any pain, but he was lying on his back, soaked to the skin. It was a water gun.

Jumping to his feet, Franklin chased the thief through the store, hollering at the top of his lungs. As they came to the exercise department, the thief glanced back to see if he was still being chased. Frantically swiveling his head to see where he was running, the thief realized too late that he was half an inch away from a pull-up bar. The thief collapsed pathetically on the ground. After the police, who showed up late, identified the man as an escaped convict named Al Steellall, they tied and woke him up. Franklin asked him, “Did you really think you’d get away with that?” “You are the only reason I didn’t,” Al replied. Receiving the reward money for capturing Al, Franklin went into professional crime fighting service and became a millionaire, while Al became a professional prisoner, locked up in jail.


  1. Isaak, this was pretty funny. I loved the criminal's name, Al Steellall, and the "professional prisoner" bit at the end. I can tell you worked hard on this one!

  2. Hey Isaak......that was really cool. I needed a good laugh tonight and this sure did it for me :) LOVE the pull up bar incident. Had the sound effects going off in my head. Keep writing and sharing.
