Thursday, October 23, 2008

Linus's Miserable Failure

Linus sat down to work on a school project. “What in the world should I write about, Snoopy?” Linus asked the dog. Suddenly he jotted down a few words. Crossing them out, he laid his head on the table, thinking furiously, which is quite hard for a boy. Linus had to write a story by taking three pictures and writing a paragraph about each one. Although it was not hard, he still did not want to do it.

Writing as quickly as he could, he came up with something. Happily, he inspected what he’d written a few minutes later. Because he was so excited, he exclaimed, “Snoopy look at this!” Snoopy, who looked the essay up and down, approved. On the paper was a story of a boy who did not know what to write about.

“Linus, time for school,” his mother called loudly up the stairs. Linus had forgotten about school! Hurriedly, Linus ran frantically down the stairs and put on his brown sandals. Hopping onto the bus, he rode down the street, when suddenly Linus realized he had forgotten his paper. At school, he failed his project miserably.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nightmare. I thought Linus was going to wake up at the end and get a A+ on his report. Good writing!
